Friday, October 9, 2009

Open Season (2006) PG Stinker

The Season may be Open, but your eyes will be closed as you sleep through this boring stinker. The quality of the animation is great, but someone forgot to write a story to go along with it. It is filled with political undertones. Obviously the writers were more concerned with the audience becoming vegetarians than being entertained. I have a message for everyone in the entertainment business.... ENTERTAIN ME! That is your job and you failed...AGAIN!


  1. Whats wrong with learning and fun? And whats wrong with being a vegitarion? If no one was a vegitarion then how whould they ever find these animals to even make this movie. They would all be eaten up by the non-vegitarions!!!

  2. Ok, I never said I was against learning while having fun. Political indoctrination is another matter entirely. As far as the characters in this movie being eaten by the "non-vegitarions", that would be a bit difficult considering the fact that they were digitally animated.
